Create a DNS Monitor

< 1 min. read

Follow these steps to create a DNS monitor:

  1. Navigate to the UptimeSync dashboard and login with your credentials.
  2. Go to the left side panel and click the “DNS Monitors” button. Here you will see all your DNS monitors.
  3. Click on the “Create DNS monitor” button in the upper left corner of the page to access the monitor creation page.
  4. In the designated fields, enter the Monitor Name and then enter the Domain name that you want to monitor
  5. Next, set Notification handlers, the ones that you want to get notified through when your DNS changes.
  6. Specify the Check interval, How often will the system check your DNS settings. Monitoring DNS is not a critical matter such as monitoring website uptime. You can set the interval to 6 or hours, or even a day. However, all options are availabe
  7. Click the Advanced Settings to monitor specific DNS records. By default, the monitor will monitor all your DNS records.
  8. Under the Advanced Settings, you will also find the Project option. You can add the monitor to a specific project.
  9. Finally, hit the Create button.

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