Follow these steps to create a DNS monitor:
- Navigate to the UptimeSync dashboard and login with your credentials.
- Go to the left side panel and click the “DNS Monitors” button. Here you will see all your DNS monitors.
- Click on the “Create DNS monitor” button in the upper left corner of the page to access the monitor creation page.
- In the designated fields, enter the Monitor Name and then enter the Domain name that you want to monitor
- Next, set Notification handlers, the ones that you want to get notified through when your DNS changes.
- Specify the Check interval, How often will the system check your DNS settings. Monitoring DNS is not a critical matter such as monitoring website uptime. You can set the interval to 6 or hours, or even a day. However, all options are availabe
- Click the Advanced Settings to monitor specific DNS records. By default, the monitor will monitor all your DNS records.
- Under the Advanced Settings, you will also find the Project option. You can add the monitor to a specific project.
- Finally, hit the Create button.